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Exhibition: The Vocabulary of Water

Artist (s): Rebecca Jane Houston and Kelly Jazvac

Curator (s): Jaclyn Quaresma

Date: July 12 - Sepetmeber 8, 2019


| Image | Kelly Jazvac, Forward Contamination (still)2017. Digital Video. 10:38

Date | 

Artists | 

July 12 -

September 8,


Rebecca Jane


& Kelly Jazvac

Events | 

July 12 | 

July 13 | 


Opening Reception



Quiet Rural

Reading Riot 

Reading Series of 

Children &


10AM - 5PM


Keepers at 

Durham Art 


July 15 - 19 | 

 Publication | .PDF  or .EPUB 

9AM - 3PM



Art&Science Edition |


bubbles, rainbows,

rocks, and more!

This camp is a

blast (pun intended!).

Working at times

independently and

cooperatively, this

camp will inspire

children to get

creative with science. 

July 23 | 


Bring a Lunch!

Author Allen Smultylo 

Reads from The 

Memory of


August 12 - 16 | 

9AM - 3PM




Edition | Explosions,

bubbles, rainbows,

rocks, and more!

This camp is a

blast (pun intended!).

Working at times

independently and

cooperatively, this

camp will inspire

children to get

creative with science. 

The exhibition, The Vocabulary of Water,  is void of water in image and actuality but is full to the brim with watery imaginings. Here on the bank of the Saugeen River, Durham Art Gallery is delighted to host an exhibition that features Lake Ontario. Artists Rebecca Jane Houston and Kelly Jazvac both address the Lake. Kelly considers it from deep below its surface, while Rebecca sticks to the shore. They are concerned with the place of plastics, specifically microplastics, in and around the great aqueous body. 


Through the vocabulary of water, can we expand our thinking around plastics, contamination, and human impact in relation to the precious liquid resource, freshwater? Is Lake Ontario so different from The Saugeen River? Do plastics not sit along our shores? What contaminants lay beneath? What settles into the bottom? Into Us? 


Accompanying the reception is the second edition of Quiet Rural Reading Riot.  On the evening of Friday July 12, 2019 at 7PM we will be hosting another reading for children and youth. Our last one was such a success, so please come early to snag a spot! 




[1]  The title of this exhibition takes its name from Dr. Tessa Elisabeth Fluence's 2015 dissertation titled,  A Vocabulary of Water: how water in contemporary art materialises the conditions of contemporaneity.  


August 14 | 


Saugeen River Walk

with Saugeen 


August 20 | 


Screening Documentary 

Resilience: Transforming

Our Community 


A Conversation with

Walkerton Clean Water

Centre's Manager of

Research and Technology 

Souleymane Ndiongue

Ph.D., P.Eng. 




Hours of Operation










10 - 4

10 - 4

10 - 4

12 - 4

12 - 4

*NOTE: alternate Wednesdays we will open at 12 noon following our life-drawing sessions.


upcoming life-drawing sessions:

February 5 & 19

March 5 & 19

April 2, 16 & 30


Entrance Fee by Donation

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Charitable Registration #

10727 0878 RR0001

Contact us for Sponsorship Opportunities

251 George St E.

PO BOX 1021

Durham, Ontario

N0G 1R0 

Durham Art Gallery rests on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation. The Métis Nation of Ontario, whose history and people are also well represented in what are now known as Bruce and Grey Counties. 


We are committed to re-framing our responsibilities to land, history and community. We acknowledge that words are insufficient and that it is our responsibility to move beyond statements and workds as we continue to listen, learn and  uphold the critical importance of truth, reconciliation and reparation.  


In line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, we are committed to the dismantling of anti-Indigenous racism and discriminatory practices against Indigenous People.


We would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.


We would like to acknowledge program funding support from Heritage Canada, an agency of the Government of Canada.

We would like to acknowledge our community support from the following organizations:


The Fallis Family

Lind Family Fund

Accessibility Statement


We at the Durham Art Gallery strive to meet and exceed digital accessibility guidelines in our ongoing effort to provide an accessible website and on-site gallery for all users. We are currently working collaboratively with partner organizations to review, access and enhance our digital accessibility, usability and related services.

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