April 5th, 2pm: Book Launch, new fiction from Alanna Rusnak
April 10th to 13th, 4 days Only: Leslie Ting live at the DAG
April 13th, 1pm: Coffee House Artist Salon
The way from then to now
by Deeter Hastenteufel
November 4th, 2023 - January 14th, 2024
Highlighting his conceptual explorations and playful undertones, this exhibition samples the breadth of Hastenteufel’s oeuvre, spanning over five decades.
From the powerful weight of steel sculptures, to the delicate intimacy of experimental ‘frottage’ drawings, or the playful media-art exploration of contemporary hieroglyphs, “The way from then to now” underscores Hastenteufel’s unique creative voice.
With a focus on the artist's newer and more conceptual work, this exhibition explores the thoughtfully creative foundations that underscore an expansive artistic career.

We would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council and the Government of Ontario for their support.