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Weaving a Mug Rug
Jennifer Osborn,
All Sorts Acres

Date TBA

1pm - 4pm


FEE: $35 ($30 for members)

Join us at the Durham Art Gallery for our 2025 Creative Skill Sharing Workshop Series.​​


Participants will learn how to weave a “Mug Rug” or mini tapestry ideally sized and a coaster.


With an emphasis on using local wool. You will be taken through the process of warping your loom, different weave patterns, and colour combinations that reflect your sense of comfort and home.


Upon completion, everyone will leave with a completed mug rug, ready for your next cuppa.


INSTRUCTOR: When Jennifer was 7, her Dad made her a miniature farm for Christmas. A traditional mixed farm in miniature, complete with tiny hay bales and even a corrugated plowed field, gave Jennifer hours of imaginative play. Never outgrowing these two passions, Jennifer pursued a career in art, design, and, eventually, agriculture.


Jennifer Osborn began farming in 2007 on just over an acre and two sheep. Over the years, she has explored and experimented with the use of local waste wool, began the first international affiliate of Fibreshed, and spoken internationally about the value of waste wool. In 2022, the farm, All Sorts Acres, transitioned from sheep milk gelato by adding a fibre mill dedicated to processing, utilizing, and creating products out of waste wool called EcoWool Canada. She now grows her own art supplies and specializes in felting with local wool. She can be contacted at,

Made possible by funding from the Community Foundation of Grey Bruce.

Workshop Registration

Registration Form

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Date TBA



$35 ($30 for members)

Hours of Operation










10 - 4

10 - 4

10 - 4

12 - 4

12 - 4

*NOTE: alternate Wednesdays we will open at 12 noon following our life-drawing sessions.


upcoming life-drawing sessions:

February 5 & 19

March 5 & 19

April 2, 16 & 30


Entrance Fee by Donation

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Charitable Registration #

10727 0878 RR0001

Contact us for Sponsorship Opportunities

251 George St E.

PO BOX 1021

Durham, Ontario

N0G 1R0 

Durham Art Gallery rests on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation. The Métis Nation of Ontario, whose history and people are also well represented in what are now known as Bruce and Grey Counties. 


We are committed to re-framing our responsibilities to land, history and community. We acknowledge that words are insufficient and that it is our responsibility to move beyond statements and workds as we continue to listen, learn and  uphold the critical importance of truth, reconciliation and reparation.  


In line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, we are committed to the dismantling of anti-Indigenous racism and discriminatory practices against Indigenous People.


We would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.


We would like to acknowledge program funding support from Heritage Canada, an agency of the Government of Canada.

We would like to acknowledge our community support from the following organizations:


The Fallis Family

Lind Family Fund

Accessibility Statement


We at the Durham Art Gallery strive to meet and exceed digital accessibility guidelines in our ongoing effort to provide an accessible website and on-site gallery for all users. We are currently working collaboratively with partner organizations to review, access and enhance our digital accessibility, usability and related services.

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